About Us

Hi! We’re Tim and Robin Stiles, and we’re FireFit Meals. We provide healthy food to fuel the fire of your healthy lifestyle! We are based out of beautiful Huntsville AL, and strive to provide the best tasting and highest quality food in the meal prep business. 

Here's Our Story...

Owner and Executive Chef, Tim Stiles, with his teenage boy and athletes appetite and general love of food, started in the restaurant industry at the age of fourteen. Tim worked his way through every position throughout his teens and twenties. Tim’s culinary career consisted of country clubs, fine dining establishments, bars, restaurants, as well as assisting in opening multiple restaurants in the local area. Some of those all while working towards, and completing, his culinary arts degree. 

Tim obtained several titles throughout his culinary career, such as Sous Chef, Sushi Chef, and Front House Manager, to name a few. Tim eventually earned the position of General Manger of the Scene Lounge and Restaurant and bar, a multimillion-dollar business, located within BridgeStreet in Huntsville, AL. As a successful GM for Cinemark, Tim was asked to travel to Los Angelas California to assist in opening a new “Scene Lounge” concept for Cinemark, all while still running operations in Huntsville.  

After years of service within the hospitality industry, Tim began striving towards a greater responsibility and deeper sense of purpose and service to his community and those around him. He then embarked on pursuing a career as a Professional Firefighter. After a long and intense application process, Tim obtained a Cadet position as a Firefighter/EMT. After enduring and completing a nearly 6 month long, grueling, rookie school, Tim successfully earned the position of Firefighter/EMT for Madsion City. Tim would later laterally transfer to Huntsville Fire & Rescue for greater career opportunity. 

This is where FireFit Meals begins... 

Naturally, Tim became the Firehouse Chef at each station he was assigned. Tim would bring a clean, fresh, and southern twist to the firehouse table each shift. Fast forward to the beginning of 2021. After years of physical training, competing in CrossFit, and powerlifting Tim began bodybuilding. During his first month's long bodybuilding competition prep... Tim would need and weekly prepare the necessary nutrition to eat every 2-3 hours. During downtime at the firehouse, Tim would prepare some of those clean, delicious meals for his necessary nutrition. His fellow firefighters soon began asking him to prepare meals for them. They desired his healthy lifestyle, physique, and his delicious food. 

Tim started doing just that, preparing meals for his fellow Firefighters and friends. Soon, those 10 meals turned into 350 meals and so on…it began to be more than one individual can manage alone. Now, with the help of his fitness obsessed wife, Robin, and their 60-year-old farmhouse kitchen, they started cooking! Soon after, they realized there was a need for healthy meal prep all across North Alabama and beyond. This is how FireFit Meals came to be.

We (Robin & Tim) used to meet our clients for pick-up every week! Since we’ve grown, we now have nine convenient meal pick-up locations stretching across Madison County and the Surrounding Counties.  It’s the easiest and most convenient way to bring you the freshly prepared, clean, chef inspired, bistro quality, macro-balanced, meals that you’ve all come to love! 

Thank you for supporting us, and our vision for health and healthy eating!

Eat Clean, Get Lean, Be FireFit! 

Remember, it's Fast Food!... NOT Fast Food!

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